3 Inner Demons of Procastination

These inner demons cause procrastination but disguise themselves as “rational and logical” reasons. They bait us into not achieving our best lives, and they do so in very sneaky ways. There are 3 dangerous Inner Demons that cause procrastination… and I’ll reveal to you what they sound like your mind… so you can slay them whenever you encounter a demon.

Let’s start with a push-up as a simple analogy.

Pretend you are doing push-up, here’s how each of your 3 Inner Demons would sound like...

1. The Perfectionist
“Alright, I want to make sure I do this correctly. So I’ve got to make sure my arms are square and my body is in the right angle. How far apart should my arms be? Should my feet be together or apart? Hmm… maybe I should wait until I get my new sports gear to do the push-up, I don’t want to do it in improper clothing.”

This is the perfectionist.
And let me ask you, if one person does no pushups but another person does 10 imperfect pushups every day...
After 100 days, who would be further ahead?
The person who does the imperfect pushups.
This is the first demon.
2. The Measurer
“Well, I can do 5 pushups. But that guy over there can do 10 pushups, and that girl can do 20. Man… I suck. Why bother trying?”
This is the inner demon that compares itself to everyone, and when it finds someone who is better it feels defeated and stops trying.
Let me tell you… there will ALWAYS be someone better than you at any particular thing. So it’s dumb to think that.
Instead, focus on your own improvement and just do the pushup.
3. The Futurist
“Maybe I want to build up my chest muscle. But what if I do it wrong and my triceps get too big? What if it looks weird compared to my biceps? Then my shirts won’t look good. And I have to train my back to keep my body balanced…”

It’s just a pushup.
This demon thinks into the future and wants everything to fit perfectly. It wants everything to be laid out neatly in front of them before taking that first step forward...

Can you identify any of these inner demons running your life?


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